Friday, January 29, 2010

ACO update

Well the motor and tranny rebuilds are done. Ron from The Bike Works took care of the tranny rebuild with no problem. I did most of the motor stuff and thanks to Donny from Lucky Charm for the magneto, its such a nice piece.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

More pics

Triumph Drag Bike progress

Well everything is clean! Soda blasting is great, bought the cheap little thing from Harbor Freight and it does it all, cases were cleaned with it. Hopefully, I can get started on assembly of it all this weekend, starting with the sludge trap.

ACO Update

Its moving along, stuck on what to do for handlebars.

NEW 4.50x18 drag slick!

So I have been working on my triumph drag bike for a little now and was wondering what to run in the rear for a tire. Yesterday, I talked to Cody and Hurst Racing Tires and found out they will be making a 4.50 x 18 slick which will fit the triumphs! They are planning on the summer for release, I am ordering like ten! Pics below are a prototype they have made.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Passing it on

So my son is always asking if he can build a bike, I mean a real bike bc he likes helping me with my stuff. Sometimes he will pick up one of my catalogues and tell me what he needs to order. So since my triumph drag project is going against a father and son team, why not have Cole help me, its never to early to start, he will be 4 in March!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Triumph Drag Bike update

Well the cases are fully split and time to start cleaning everything, waiting for some speed goodies to come in, hope to get some time to start putting it back together, it was overall a very clean motor.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

ACO Progress

So the tranny rebuild is done, Ron from Bike Works in Glenside, Pa did a great job it, I am sure to have no problems with it now. Cases were polished and I powdercoated the black pieces with my little coater. The kicker is from Baker, its straight and solid, and I fitted a small pedal on there.

Friday, January 15, 2010


It was cold this morning, makes me thing of the summer even more. Pic is of me and my father in law in Wildwood, that was fun!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

drag bike pics

Here are a few pics, tearing down the motor for the 63 triumph drag project, full rebuild on the motor, with some new speed goodies coming soon. Hopefully this picture shows up, still new to this whole blog thing.

Just to drive me nuts!

Well I am putting another project on the list, as if I need any more. I am friends with the local bike shop and they are restoring their old drag bike from the 70's. Its an ironhead and it was fast, but its going to be street legal now. So we cam up with a little fun competition, their HD versus my 63 triumph I have sitting around. Gonna have to hop up the motor and light the chassis, but it should be fun. Anybody got advice, haha! Pictures coming soon...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The other project

This bike was put on hold when I found out I was in the ACO, but I still get the urge to work on it here and there.

ACO Build

Doing a bike for The Horse Magazine's ACO competition, lots of work going on!